Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's the little things in a competitive environment that can provide the competitive advantage. Here's a short blog illustrating that notion. Posted January 24, 2006

By Jay Conrad Levinson
Author, "Guerrilla Marketing" series of books
Over 14 million sold; now in 41 languages
The best-selling marketing series in history

The Guerrilla Marketing Association gives you live access
to Jay Conrad Levinson and comes with a free one-month trial.
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A typical business receives as many as 100 calls a day and puts callers on hold for over 17 hours each month. A whopping 70 percent of those calls are placed on hold for an average of 90 seconds. A depressingly large 90% of callers hang up within 40 second if "on hold" means dead silence. And 34 percent of those never call back.

On-hold marketing reduces hang-ups by 77 percent because instead of silence, callers hear marketing messages. It increases telephone on-hold time as much as 230 percent. A full 88 percent of callers say they prefer an on-hold message to music or silence. Best of all, 19 percent of callers buy something when they hear a powerful marketing message while on hold.

Jay Levinson and Amy Levinson

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