Friday, March 31, 2006

Never before have I read or thought about Google as much as I have this quarter.

David Pogue, Technology Editor of the New York Times has a weekly e-column called "Circuits."

This week he covered Google's latest unveiling: free, easy to use websites.

See for more information.


Monday, March 27, 2006

One of the key things we do in class is discuss the importance of innovating strategy. There is an excellent article in FORTUNE Magazine, April 3, 2006 issue. Entitled "Best Buy's Giant Gamble".

In the article, the author, Matthew Boyle, presents the position of Brad Anderson, CEO of Best Buy that the retail giant must innovate or become a member of the "retail hospital" where companies go when their strategies get sick.

The article makes a number of great points about the need for strategic innovation and describes a few experiements that they are conducting around "customer-centricity". Best Buy, according to the article, is going to be shifting from "pushing gadgets" to "catering to customers".

Very Interesting.

Gene A. Wright